Problem S

You just got paid, all numbers from $1$ to $n$ are now in your possession after a hard month. But unfortunately things aren’t quite so simple, because now you have to pay tax. You sit down across from the Skattmann, and the game begins. You may take one of the numbers from $1$ to $n$ to keep. If you take the number $m$ the Skattmann takes all numbers $d$ that divide $m$, and if there is no such number $d$ you aren’t allowed to take $m$ since everything has to be taxed. For example you are not allowed to start by taking $1$. At the end the Skattmann takes all remaining numbers.
Your goal is to pay the minimum tax possible, at least strictly less than $50\% $. For example if $n = 13$ we can start by taking $13$ and the Skattmann takes $1$. If we then take $9$ the Skattmann takes $3$. Next we could take $10$ and then the Skattmann takes both $2$ and $5$. If we then take $8$ the Skattmann takes $4$. Finally if we take $12$ the Skattmann takes $6$, and then both $7$ and $11$ because we can’t take either of them so the game is over. In total we get $52$ and the Skattmann gets $39$, so we got more than half.
The input contains a single integer $4 \leq n \leq 10\, 000$.
First print the number of numbers you intend to take on its own line. On the next line print the numbers you intend to take, in the order you intend to take them, with a single space between numbers.
The solution will be run on $100$ different test cases. If if the solution returns an invalid answer, no points are given. If the judge solution gets $s$ and you get $x$ you get $(4x - n(n + 1)) / (4s - n(n + 1))$ points for that test case, at least $0$ points and at most $1$ points though. This means that if you pay $50\% $ tax you get $0$ points, increasing linearly to $1$ point as you get closer to the judge solution.
The test cases are divided into two $50$ test groups, one has $n \leq 1\, 000$ and the other has $1\, 000 < n \leq 10\, 000$.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
7 |
3 7 4 6 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
13 |
5 13 9 10 8 12 |